sagar pawar
2018-05-18 14:33:18 UTC

I am new in centos and kannel sms gateway, and I stuck in a problem and
need little help from your side.

I have installed Kannel* sms gateway 1.2.0* on *CentOs 6.9* With
following steps and .

1)Download Source from kannel.org

2)Extract tar file in /usr/local/src

3)execute *sudo ./configure --prefix=/etc/kannel
--enable-start-stop-daemon* and than *Make *and *make install *command.

4)and after that created file named kannel in /etc/init.d/ path and start
the kannel service with *service kannel start* command.

Till now everything is seems good but we are not able to get status of
the kannel service by typing the this url

So I execute the * ps aux | grep kannel* command and get desired result
but when I execute *netstat -pln | grep box* it returns nothing and I still
can't find the actual reason why this happen, I tried to open port numbers
13000,13001,13002 but no luck.

Kindly help me out to resolve the said issue.

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